
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Ron'sUpdate Podcast Episode 132
Monday Oct 10, 2016
Monday Oct 10, 2016
An update of what's going on after Peachtree.
Intro music was "ChasingTheSun" and the Outro was "ComingDown", both from Digitaljuice at digitaljuice.com.
This podcast was recorded using the Ferrite app on my iPhone.
You can leave comments at my website: losttrailrunner.com by clicking on the SpeakPipe widget.
Ron'sUpdate Podcast by Ron Trail is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Pre-Peachtree Update (episode RU131)
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
Sunday Jul 03, 2016
This is my pre Peachtree Road Race update, the race is tomorrow morning.
I mention my Speakpipe widget on my website and would like for someone, anyone to call and leave a message. The Speakpipe widget is located at "losttrailrunner.com". My email is ron@losttrailrunner.com if you would like to send a note.
The outtro is “HypnoticSphere“, from Digital Juice at digitaljuice.com.
This podcast was recorded on the "Ferrite" app on my iPod Touch.
Please go on iTunes and give my podcast a review the more the better and I don’t have many.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Sunday Apr 17, 2016
Ron'sUpdate Podcast Episode 130
Sunday Apr 17, 2016
Sunday Apr 17, 2016
An update on my training as well as an explanation on how I do Fartlek training.
The intro is "Hardwired" and the outtro is “OneToothSmile“, both from Digital Juice at digitaljuice.com.
This podcast was recorded using My Zoom H2 on the 1st two segments and my Olympus Digital Voice Recorder WS-853 on the last segment.
Please go on iTunes and give my podcast a review the more the better, I would really appreciate it.
You can leave comments at my website, losttrailrunner.com on the SpeakPipe widget.
Ron'sUpdate Podcast by Ron Trail is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Wednesday Mar 09, 2016
Ron'sUpdate Podcast Episode 129
Wednesday Mar 09, 2016
Wednesday Mar 09, 2016
Update time, I seem to have hurt my back. I don't know if it was a result of the 9 days + of riding my bike trainer or old age or both.
Anyway I seem to have recovered using ibuprofen and stretching, and I have been able to get some runs in even though they have been slower than usual.
I have added a song to the podcast for a change and here is the attribution:
Fallin by Bluesraiders is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives (aka Music Sharing) 3.0 International License.
I headed out to the trail at Stone Mountain and did a little walking with my trekking poles. I have had them for a while but haven't used them much. I think I will add a couple of walks a week using the poles. I seem to be able to get my heart rate up a little higher using the poles.
The intro is "KerryInGreen" and the outtro is “TurnCoat“, both from Digital Juice at digitaljuice.com.
This podcast was recorded using the Ferrite app on my iPhone 6s.
Please go on iTunes and give my podcast a review the more the better, I would really appreciate it.
You can leave comments at my website, losttrailrunner.com on the SpeakPipe widget.
Ron'sUpdate Podcast by Ron Trail is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
Ron'sUpdate Podcast Episode 128
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
This last week I did the "Tour of Sufferlandria". Felt good to get on my bike after about a year and a half.
The intro is "KerryInGreen" and the outtro is “TurnCoat“, both from Digital Juice at digitaljuice.com.
This podcast was recorded using My Olympus WS-853 Digital Voice Recorder.
Please go on iTunes and give my podcast a review the more the better, I would really appreciate it.
You can leave comments at my website, losttrailrunner.com on the SpeakPipe widget.
Ron'sUpdate Podcast by Ron Trail is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Saturday Jan 16, 2016
Ron'sUpdate Podcast Episode 127
Saturday Jan 16, 2016
Saturday Jan 16, 2016
Just another short update. Seems I ended up with a stiff neck due to not moving my arm when I was recovering from my surgery.
Bought a new bike trainer to replace my old one. Got a Kurt Kinetic Road Machine.
Have some Atlanta Track Club races that am planning on running.
The intro is "KerryInGreen" and the outtro is “TurnCoat“, both from Digital Juice at digitaljuice.com.
This podcast was recorded using the "Ferrite" app on an iPhone 6s.
Please go on iTunes and give my podcast a review the more the better and I don’t have many.
You can leave comments at my website, losttrailrunner.com on the SpeakPipe widget.
Ron'sUpdate Podcast by Ron Trail is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Saturday Jan 09, 2016
Ron'sUpdate Podcast Episode 126
Saturday Jan 09, 2016
Saturday Jan 09, 2016
Short little podcast recorded right after my Saturday afternoon run at Mountain Park.
The intro is "KerryInGreen" and the outtro is “TurnCoat“, from Digital Juice at digitaljuice.com.
This podcast was recorded on an Olympus WS-853 digital recorder.
Please go on iTunes and give my podcast a review the more the better and I don’t have many.
You can leave comments at my website, losttrailrunner.com on the SpeakPipe widget.
Ron'sUpdate Podcast by Ron Trail is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Tuesday Jan 05, 2016
Ron'sUpdate Podcast Episode 125
Tuesday Jan 05, 2016
Tuesday Jan 05, 2016
After I finish up my run today at Stone Mountain I give a little update on the Atlanta Track Club Resolution Run that was held on January 1st.
Intro music was "KerryInGreen" and the Outro was "TurnCoat", both from Digitaljuice at digitaljuice.com.
This podcast was recorded on an Olympus WS-853 digital recorder with a Giant Squid podcasting mic.
Please go on iTunes and give my podcast a review the more the better and I don’t have many.
You can leave comments at my website, losttrailrunner.com on the SpeakPipe widget.
Ron'sUpdate Podcast by Ron Trail is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Tuesday Dec 29, 2015
Ron'sUpdate Podcast Episode 124
Tuesday Dec 29, 2015
Tuesday Dec 29, 2015
Well the best laid plans for my start to the new year are shot already. As you may know on Monday the 28th of December I was to get the stitches removed from my back and get a couple of stitches in my shoulder where the doctor removed a basil cell.
I thought everything was going well. I went to the doctor and the stitches were removed with no problem. Then the doctor started working on my shoulder and everything went fine there also. At least as for as the procedure went, it was after when I said: There is no problem with me running a race on Friday, right? The doctor looked at me like I had two heads and said I prefer that you not run for a little over a week, we don’t want you to tear those stitches open and then have a mess on your hands.
At that point I realized my good start to the year was down the drain. I guess it is back to walking for a couple of more weeks. I am hoping to go to the Atlanta Track Club Resolution Run and walk it. It will be difficult to do, but that is my plan right now. Who knows what will happen Friday morning when it is time to get up and go to the race. Knowing I can’t run makes it difficult for me to get motivated to go, but I will try.
Intro music was "KerryInGreen" and the Outro was "TurnCoat", both from Digitaljuice at digitaljuice.com.
This podcast was recorded using a Giant Squid podcasting mic with a WS-853 Olympus digital recorder.
You can leave comments at my website: losttrailrunner.com by clicking on the SpeakPipe widget.
Ron'sUpdate Podcast by Ron Trail is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Ron'sUpdate Podcast Episode 123
Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Hey! This is Ron again with episode 123 of my update podcast. Today’s date is December 22, does that mean that this is the first day of winter. Yes, it is and the temperature is going to be in the 60’s today plus a little rain.
Well, lets get on with today’s update. Tomorrow it will be a week since I had the procedure done on my back. This thing has been driving me crazy, it itches and the ends of the stitches stick thru my shirt. I will truly be happy when I get the stitches removed.
I have not really done any physical activity since last Wednesday and I think I have added 5 pounds to my weight. So, today I am going to head out and do some walking at Stone Mountain. I will take my recorder with me and try to come up with some random thoughts to pass the time.
Maybe I will start developing my plan for the coming year, I need to get started so I have a running start so to speak.
Intro music was "KerryInGreen" and the Outro was "TurnCoat", both from Digitaljuice at digitaljuice.com.
This podcast was recorded on an Olympus WS-801 digital recorder with a Giant Squid podcasting mic.
Please go on iTunes and give my podcast a review the more the better and I don’t have many.
You can leave comments at my website, losttrailrunner.com on SpeakPipe.
Ron'sUpdate Podcast by Ron Trail is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.